Metsokangas Comprehensive School is situated in the Northern part of Finland, about 600 kilometers from the Capital City Helsinki. There are about 200 000 citizens in Oulu and there are more than 20 schools in Oulu.
There are about 900 students from Grades 1-9 in our school and more than 50 teachers in Metsokangas Comprehensive School. Our school day starts at 8.15 AM and usually we study 4-6 hours per day. One lessons take 60 minutes and then we have a break outside. Our lunch break takes 30 minutes. Every day we eat a healthy lunch including salad, ryebread, potatoes/rice/spaghetti with f. ex. meat/chicken sauce. For drink we have water and milk. The lunch is free of charge for all students. However, teachers have to pay for their lunch.
The keythings in our schools are 21st Century Skills, Vertical and Horisontal Co-operation between students and teachers, Teaching with technology and also we have took part in many Projects in Finland and worldwide. We are also one of three Showcase Schools of Microsoft in Finland, so we use a lot of Microsoft technologies and software.
There are about 900 students from Grades 1-9 in our school and more than 50 teachers in Metsokangas Comprehensive School. Our school day starts at 8.15 AM and usually we study 4-6 hours per day. One lessons take 60 minutes and then we have a break outside. Our lunch break takes 30 minutes. Every day we eat a healthy lunch including salad, ryebread, potatoes/rice/spaghetti with f. ex. meat/chicken sauce. For drink we have water and milk. The lunch is free of charge for all students. However, teachers have to pay for their lunch.
The keythings in our schools are 21st Century Skills, Vertical and Horisontal Co-operation between students and teachers, Teaching with technology and also we have took part in many Projects in Finland and worldwide. We are also one of three Showcase Schools of Microsoft in Finland, so we use a lot of Microsoft technologies and software.
During our lessons we use a lot of technologies and devices. Last year we made a presentation video of our school and you can watch it above. This year student's have also used many times their own mobile phones to find knowledge and also we have took part in two video competition. You can watch our videos on YouTube on channel called Metsokankaankoulu. Unfortunately our movies are in Finnish.
Students of Classes 4C and 4D have also took photos of our school. You see them above. From the student's point of view the best things in our school are colours, PE class, light, ceiling art and the nice atmosphere.